Professor: J.P. Pretti | Term: Fall 2022

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Introduction to the Language of Mathematics


Sets are not ordered.

Denote element of set by

, but .



set of integers, set of natural numbers, set of rational numbers, set of real numbers

Mathematical Statements and Negation

Statements are true or false.

is a statement

is not a statement (Open sentence. If you knew , it would be a statement)

is a statement

Open sentence statement.


is a statement

Negation of is true when is false.

Quantifiers and Quantified Statements

Universal and Existential Quantifiers

is an open statement.

. This is “for all natural numbers ” We know this is true.

Changing the domain makes it false.

When domain is empty is always true.

is true. All elephants in the room have 20 legs

Let universally quantifying the following statement.

Existential Quantifier

. This is “there exists a number in the set such that is true.” There just has to be one such case.


Once again, domain matters.

is always false.


Negating Quantifiers

Everybody in this room was born before 2010 Universal

Somebody in this room was born after 2010, or on 2010 Existential

is false when there is at least one for which is false.


We cannot just change all the signs since might be complicated.

. Negation:

Someone in this room was born before 1990. Everyone in this room was born after or during 1990 is the negation.

. Negation: .

Nested Quantifiers

is false for every and every .

is true. is in the open statement

is true.

is false. If was fixed, there is no way every will work.

Logical Analysis of Mathematical Statements

Logical Operators

Statement represented by .

Conjunction and Disjunction

and is

is irrational and is true.

10 is even and is true.

is true.

is false.

or is

is true.

is a prime number of has is false.

is a perfect square or is a multiple of is true.

Logical Equivalence

. is logically equivalent to not not .


De Morgan’s Laws

Example, show


”If then ”,

Equivalent to

= hypothesis, is conclusion

is irrational, True.

is irrational, False.

is rational, True.

is rational, True.

For all real numbers , if True.

For all real numbers , if True.

, if , then is true.

, if , then is false.

, if , then is true.

For all , if , then

whenever and

Negation of Implication

Negation of implication is not an implication.

If is a prime and , then is a perfect square (false).

is prime and and is not a perfect square (true).

Negation of implication is and. Hypothesis is not always first.

Implication Examples

For all

  1. If , then (true)

  2. If , then (true)

Contrapositive and Converse


The contrapositive of is the implication

  1. If , then (true)

  2. If , then (true)

Logically equivalent with


The converse of is the implication

  1. If , then (false)

  2. If , then (true)

Not logically equivalent with

If and Only If

Logical operator

For all iff

True both ways.

iff is True

Proving Mathematical Statements



Faulty logic: Prove by squaring both sides

Proving Universally Quantified Statements


We can consider arbitrary and argue that must be true (direct proof).

Prove an identity


for all

Case 1: . In this case . And

Case 2: . In this case . And

In both cases, LHS = RHS

Disprove Universally Quantified Statement

A counter example is .

Single example doesn’t prove is true.

Single counter example does prove is false.

Prove Existentially Quantified Statements

There exists a perfect square such that .

Consider . Since is a perfect square. Also completing the proof.

Disprove Existential Statement

We will prove the negation is true.

”There exists a real number such that "

"For all real numbers such that

Since , then

For all , there exists , such that


Let . Consider . Clearly . Moreover,

Proving Implications

If is an even integer, then is an even integer.


Assume is an even integer.

That is for some integer

We must show

We have

Since , then . That is, picking completes the proof.

For all integers , if is a perfect square, then is a perfect square

Since , then . Thus is a perfect square.

Divisibility of Integers

An integer divides an integer if there exists an integer so that .

We write is divides

is a number, is a statement.

Transitivity of Divisibility

For all if and then .


Let . Assume and then and for some .

Substituting gives

Notice that because . Thus by the definition of divisibility.

Divisibility of Integer Combinations

For all if and then for all integers .


DIC for all


Let . Assume and . Then and for some . Now

Since , then .



For all if or , then


Let , and be statement variables



First we prove

So suppose for some


Since , then . Hence

To complete this proof, we must show . The argument in this case is similar.

Another Example

For all if for all then




Choosing , gives

This is not choosing a number for all integers . We are assuming the hypothesis is correct.

For all if , then

This is false. Counter example



and , we know , by TD.

Proof of Contrapositive


For all integers , if is odd, then is odd.


Let . We will show the contrapositive is true.

Assume is even. That is for some integer . Substitute to get

Since is an integer, then . That is is even.


If . If is irrational then is irrational or is irrational.


Let . We will use the contrapositive.

Assume and for some integers where .

Then moreover since then . Also . That is is rational.


Let . If , then .


Let . Suppose then .

We get that . Therefore the contrapositive is true, proving the original statement is true as well.



If then or .


Let .

Using “elimination”, assume and . By TD .

Why does this work?

Proof by Contradiction

or must always be false.

is always false, calling it true is a contradiction.

We can prove that statement is true by, assuming is true then based on this assumption, prove that both and are true for some statement .

Prove that

By way of contradiction (BWOC), assume that for some . Then Since , then . However we know that . This is a contradiction, completing the proof.

Prove is irrational.

Assume it is rational, .

where are integers .

Assume they are not even. If they were even, and and thus and .

, so is even.

Assume its odd

. must be even.

an integer such that ,

. must be even then which is a contradiction.

is irrational.

Proving is true by contradiction, we assume is false. is true, is false. If we can prove this is a contradiction, is true.

if and , then .

For sake of contradiction, there exists integers such that and and .

By DIC we have contradiction.

Proving If and Only If Statements


Let where . Then iff


Let where .

We will prove this in both directions ()

Assume .

() Assume

Mathematical Induction

Notation for Summations, Products and Recurrences

Summation Notation

Product Notation

Proof by Induction



We will proceed by induction on .

Base Case

We consider when



That is, the statement is true when .

Inductive Step

Let be an arbitrary natural number.


Consider when



That is, the statement is true when . Therefore by POMI, the proof is complete.



Let be a statement that depends on . If statement 1 and 2 are true

  1. For all , if , then

Then statement 3 is true.

  1. For all

POMI doesn’t have to start at 1.

Let be the open sentence

Prove is true for all .

Base Case

Assume is true

Inductive Step

6 divides the sum by DIC.

This is similar to recursion in CS135.

Binomial Coefficients

“5 choose 2”

when .


Pascals Identity

Binomial Theorem






Prove that for all integers ,

Let in BT1

What is the coefficient of in

By BT2


Define and for

Prove that for all .

Proof by Induction on .

Base Case: True when

Inductive Step:

Let be an arbitrary natural number where .

Let be the open sentence.

Assume are all true. Then what happens to ?



Hence the proof is done by POSI. Difference between POMI and POSI is not base cases.

Principal of Strong Induction


Let be a statement that depends on . If

  1. is true, and


Prove that breaks are needed to break an chocolate bar into individual pieces.


. We will proceed by induction on .

Base Case

When , no breaks are needed.

Since , the statement is true for .

Inductive Step

Let .

Suppose the statement is true when .

Consider and the first break. We are left with 2 smaller bars. Let and be the number of pieces in these smaller bars.

Then . Also . Breaking these two bars requires breaks by our IH.

For the original bar, we require

breaks. By POSI this completes the proof.



The number of elements in a set is cardinality. Denoted by .


empty set but

is not an empty set

Set-Builder Notation

Universal set contains the objects we are concerned with (universe of discourse universal set).


“The set of all in such that is true”.

for some

Set of positive factors of 12

Set of even integers

Set-Builder Notation Type 2

“all objects in of the form

Even set of integers

Perfect squares

Multiples of 12

Set-Builder Notation Type 3


Set consisting of all objects of the form such that is an element of and is true.

Integer powers of

Perfect squares larger than

Multiples of

Odd perfect squares:

Set Operations

Union of 2 sets & is the set of all elements in either


Intersection of 2 sets & is the set of elements in both

Set Difference of 2 sets & or is the set of all elements in but not in .

The complement of a set or is the set of elements in the universal set but not in .

(When ) Let

Subsets of a Set

Two sets are disjoint when .

Any set and its complement are disjoint.

Any set and are disjoint.

A set is a subset of set if every element of is an element of . Denoted by: . If is not a subset of , that is denoted by .


A set is a proper set of if there is at least one element of that is not in . ( must be a subset). .

(not a proper subset since )


All proper subsets are subsets

If , then .

Subsets, Set Equality, and Implications

Given and , prove

Prove the implication

Example: Let and . Show that .

Proof: Let and assume . Then for . Then . , set and we can see . Thus , .

Let and Prove .

Let since . Then , such that


Given & , prove .

Prove and .

Show or

Let and . Prove

Let . Then . When . So

Let . Then or . must be or . .

Since we have shown both and .

Proving General Statements


Proof: Let , then and . Thus so .

Prove that if and only if

() Assume . Then and .

Let . Then and so

Let . Then or . If , since , then and vice versa.

Thus .

() Assume

Let . Then so .

Let . Then so .

We have shown it both ways so and .

The Greatest Common Divisor


Bounds by Divisibility

For all , if and , then



Assume and

Then there exists such that .

From this we get

This tells us

Since m then .

Since , then

Sub into equation to get

Since , so .

Division Algorithm

For all and for all there exists unique integers and such that


Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)

Divisors of

Divisors of


Formal Definition


When and are not both zero, we say an integer is the [greatest common divisor of and , and write iff

  • for all integers , if and then

Otherwise, we say



For all


Let . Let

Case 1

In this case, by definition,

Also and in this case, thus as well.

Case 2 or

Note that or in this case as well. Since , we know and . We get by DIC since we also know .

To complete the proof we let and assume and

All we must show is . Using DIC again we get

Hence by definition of


GCD with Remainders (GCD w R)

For all , if then


Alternative proof of our fact


By GCD w R,

Euclidean Algorithm (EA)

Process to compute for

The last non-zero will be GCD since remainder is non-negative and .

Bigger example: Compute

Back Substitution

Certificate of Correctness and Bézout’s Lemma


For all where . If and and there exists such that then .



Bézout’s Lemma

For all integers , there exists such that






If and exists , then



If , there exists such that


For all

Proof 1

Since , GCD w R gives us . However because 1 is the only positive divisor of 1

Proof 2


and , then by GCD CT.

Proof 3

Suppose and then by DIC, Thus is the only divisor, that is GCD = 1.


Let , where . If then .


Let . Assume and

Division gives



Moreover and

Thus by GCD LT,


For all

If then


Let . Assume . Let

By BL, there are integers such that and multiply to get


Since are integers, (by definition), (by definition), , we get by GCD CT.

Extended Euclidian Algorithm

Solve for


EEA with and

Solve for and

Order is irrelevant for gcd.

From before and

Further Properties of the Greatest Common Divisor

Proof of CDD GCD (Common Divisor Divides)

Let . Assume and .

By BL, for some

By DIC, . That is .



When , we say and are coprime.


Coprimeness Characterization Theorem

and are coprime iff there exists integers and with .

Sketch of CCT Proof BL GCD CT


Let .

If , then and

a) Prove or disprove

Let . Assume .

By CCT, for some

Since by CCT

Since by CCT

b) Prove or disprove the converse

If and , then

Let . Assume .

By CCT, and for some

Multiply to yield

After expanding and rearranging, CCT gives us because .


Division by GCD (DB GCD)

If then .

Let such that .

By BL, for some .

Divide by d


Note and by definition of , so are . Thus by CCT


Proof of Coprimeness and Divisibility (CAD)

If and are integers and and , then .


Let .

Assume and

by CCT for some

Multiply both sides by to get

We know and we assumed so by DIC, (because ).

That is,


is false.

Prime Numbers


Prime Factorization

Every integer greater than 1, can be written as the product of primes.


Proceed by Strong Induction (can’t use POMI) to prove that an integer can always be written as a product of primes.

Base Case

When , by itself is a product of primes since 2 is prime.

Inductive Step

Let be an arbitrary integer greater than 2.

Assume can be written as the product of primes for all integers such that .

We will consider cases for

When is prime, there is nothing to prove.

Otherwise, is composite.

That is for some satisfying

By our inductive hypothesis, and can each be written as the product of primes. Multiplying these products gives a product of primes equal to . Hence the statement is true by POSI.


Euclid’s Theorem

There are infinitely many primes.


By way of contradiction, assume there are a finite number of primes. We will name them for some .


By PF, for some

However, also by definition.

By DIC, we get

That is, . This is a contradiction because 1 is the only positive divisor of 1.


Euclid’s Lemma

For all and primes , if , then or .


Let . Let be prime.

Assume and (elimination).

Since the only positive divisors of are 1 and , and .

Thus by CAD.

Unique Factorization Theorem

Every natural number can be written as a product of prime factors uniquely, apart from order.


Let be prime. Prove that is a perfect square iff .


Other direction:

UFT or

or (wrong).

Prime Factorization and the Greatest Common Divisor

If and where are primes and all exponents are non-negative.



Linear Diophantine Equations

The Existence of Solutions in Two Variables

Given , find such that

  • Is there a solution? LDET 1

  • If so, how can we find one? EEA

  • And can we find all solutions? LDET 2

Examples of

1) Use EEA


Thus , is a solution.

2) There is no solution because , but (not a multiple of ).

3) Multiply equation in 1) by to get:

Other solutions to 1)?

Rewrite as



Let (both not zero) and let the LDE has a solution if and only if .

First, suppose there exists such that .

We know and (by definition of gcd), so by DIC.

Next we suppose to prove the other direction.

By BL there exists such that .

Now we also know for some integer . Multiplying by gives

Since and , the proof is complete.

Finding All Solutions in Two Variables



Let where .

If is one solution to the LDE , then the complete solution is

LDET 2 Example

We found that was a particular solution to .

LDET 2 tells us the complete solution is

Examples of some solutions are:


Solve the following LDEs:


, no solutions.


LDET 2 Proof

Let where and .

Assume for some .

Define and and

Must show how

We begin by showing .

Let .

We must show .

To do this we substitute into to get

Indeed .

Now we must show .

Let . Then .

We also know .

Equating gives


Since , we divide and get the following.

This tells us

By DBGCD, . By CAD, we know . Thus . Thus for some .

That is . Substitution into () yields . Thus .


Find all satisfying


We will solve the LDE first.

Note that it is equivalent to

By inspection, a solution (7,4).

So by LDET 2, the complete solution is

and where

We also need

Thus or .

Thus the final answer is

Congruence and Modular Arithmetic


is congruent to modulo .


Let . Let .

We say is congruent to module when .

We write

Otherwise we write .


Let . Let

Elementary Properties of Congruence

Let . Let .

Reflexive: Symmetric: Transitivity: and

Proof of Reflexivity:

Since and , we have . That is .

Proof of Symmetric:


This means for some . .

Since .

That is .

Proof of Transitivity:

Assume and .


By DIC, .

That is .

Proposition 2

If and , then

Proof of 1.

Proof of 3.

Proof of is left as an exercise.


CAM (Generalization of Proposition 2)

For all positive integers , for all integers and , if for all then


Congruence of Power

For all positive integers and .


Question: Does 7 divide

Is ?

We will “reduce modulo 7”

Congruence and Division


Let . Let .

If and then .



Does 72 divide

By CAR, CAM and CP:


Thus by CER, our number is not congruent to 0 modulo 72. Thus it does not.

Proof of CD

Let . Let .

Assume and .

Then or equivalently .

By CAD, . That is, .

Congruence and Remainders

Congruent iff Same Remainder (CISR) and Congruent to Remainder (CTR) Examples

1) What is the remainder when is divided by 4.

We will find such that and . By CTR, this will be our answer.

By CER, CAM, and CP:

The answer is 3.

2) What is the last digit (units) of

The answer will be such that and (By (TR)).

By CER, CAM, and CP

The answer is 6.

Proof of CISR

Let . Let .

By DA,



Now we assume .

Thus, by our equation for . That is .

Next, we assume .

Then for some .

Substituting and rearranging gives,

So since . Thus by our inequality for .

We get , completing the proof.



For all with , iff has remainder when divided by .


Divisibility Tests

Let be an integer. Then we can write.

for digits

What about ?

Since .

Thus, by CER

iff .


so we can deduce that is divisibly by 9 iff the sum of its digits are divisible by


. 46 is not divisible by 9, the number is not divisible by 9.


Linear Congruences

Let .

Let where .

Find all such that

  • Is there a solution?

  • If so can we find one?

  • If so can we find them all?



Linear Diophantine . . no solution, no values.


Answer in congruence is .

By CTR, every integer is congruent to .

Try all of them and see which one works.

By CER, CAM, if is a solution, are solutions.

GCD is the number of solutions in the set

Complete solution is .

Using LDE’s we get .

Complete solution is .

and represent the exact same set of integers.


Linear Congruence Theorem (LCT)

Complete solution equivalently,

Informally, LCT tells us there

  • is one solution modulo or

  • solutions modulo


Congruence Classes and Modular Arithmetic


Let . Let .

The congruence class of modulo is



The congruence class of 3 modulo 5 is:

  • is an infinite set

  • (both subsets of each other)

  • is our most common representative from this set because


Let . Let . We define



Addition is well-defined

Multiplication is as well.


Let . The integers modulo are

Let where .

is the additive identity is the multiplication identity is the additive inverse of

Multiplicative inverse of (if exists) is an element such that and we write .


In does exist? Does exist?

is a solution, so

. Only 12 combinations, none where .

Modular Arithmetic Solution

Let .

The equation in has a solution iff .

If is one solution, then there are solutions given by,


In , solve

) has no solution.

) . 5 solutions. , spanned by 2


. solution.



Inverses in (INV )

Let with . has a multiplicative inverse iff . Multiplicative inverse is unique.


Inverses in (INV )

For all prime numbers and have a unique multiplicative inverse.

Fermat’s Little Theorem (FT)


Let be prime. Let .

If , then .


but not by FT.


What is the remainder when is divided by 11?

Since 11 is prime and , .

By CAM, CER, CP. Thus, the remainder is 5.


We can write as in . In this case

Idea of Proof of FT

Let and .

No zero, all distinct.

Corollary to FT

Let be prime. Let .



Let be prime. Let . We will use cases.

When , by FT, . Multiplying gives by CAM.

When , . Thus by CP. Thus by CER.

The statement is true in all cases.


What is the remainder when is divided by 11.

Simultaneous Congruences Examples

Solve . If moduli are coprime, always get one solution.

Rewrite the second statement as where .

Thus we want to find all satisfying:

Sub to get

The solution is

Chinese Remainder Theorem


Suppose and

There is a unique solution module to the system

That is, once we have one solution , CRT also tells us the full solution is


Generalized CRT

If and then for any integers there exists a solution to simultaneous congruences.

The complete solution is



Rewrite the second equation as where . Sub into the first equation to get

Since 1 is a solution, the full solution is by LCT.

Rewrite as where . Sub to get .

Final answer is .

Splitting the Modulus


Let and be coprime positive integers. For any two integers and ,


What is the units digit of ?


So we get

To complete the problem, we solve

by FT

The RSA Public-Key Encryption Scheme

Cool history lesson about William Tutte

Message encrypt transmit cipher decrypt message

Math functions (easy to encrypt), hard to decrypt (invert) without info.

RSA Scheme

Setup (Bob)

  1. Randomly choose two large, distinct primes and and let

  2. Select arbitrary integer such that and

  3. Solve for an integer where

  4. Publish the public key

  5. Keep the private key secret, and the primes and

Encryption (Alice does the following to send a message as ciphertext to Bob)

  1. Obtain a copy of Bob’s public key

  2. Construct the message , an integer such that

  3. Encrypt as the ciphertext , given by where

  4. Send to Bob

Decryption (Bob does the following to decrypt)

  1. Use the private key to decrypt the ciphertext as the received message , given by where

  2. Claim:


where . .

Public key .

Private key .


Generate message where


8 is the original message that Alice wanted to send.



  • public key?

  • private key?

  • if what is ?

Public key:

Private key: solve ,

Square and multiply, then use SMT if you know and .

Complex Numbers

Standard Form

Complex Numbers


  • standard form

For , we call the real part and theimaginary part.


means and

is purely real

purely imaginary




Informally we can treat elements of as “normal” algebraic expressions where and when we do that “everything works”.

0 is the additive identity in and is the additive inverse of in .


Let . We define

1 is the multiplicative identity in . is the unique multiplicative inverse of


Why is


Properties of Complex Arithmetic (PCA)

Let with

Proof that multiplicative inverses are unique in .

Let where .

Suppose and for .



Conjugate and Modulus



. Let .


Let be a complex number in standard form

The complex conjugate of is


Properties of Complex Conjugate (PCJ)

Let . Then,

  1. z + = ;

can be proved by using standard form and showing .

Proof of .

Suppose where .

Therefore exists and by PCA.

We get .

Thus . That is,



Rough work

When .

When , or, .

Thus there are 4 solutions.



Let .

The modulus of is .


Properties of Modulus

iff if , then

Proof of the fourth statement above.

Let .


Since the modulus of every complex number is a non-negative real number, we get

Complex Plane and Polar Form

Complex Plane

Imaginary axis is axis, real axis is axis.

is the reflection of in the real axis.

is the distance from to the origin

is considered to be vector addition.

Polar Form

Standard form: Cartesian Coordinates: Polar Coordinates: Polar Form:

Standard Form


The polar form of a complex number is

where and (an argument) is an angle measured counter-clockwise from the real axis.


Polar form is not unique (add multiples of 2).


Convert to standard form

Convert from standard form

in standard form.

Write in polar form.




Polar Multiplication of Complex Numbers

De Moivre’s Theorem (DMT)


For all and

Proof of Polar Multiplication in (PM)

Multiply in standard form and use trig identities.

Proof of DMT

When , this is induction. When , we can translate to the previous case.

Using rules for and .

DMT Examples

Write in standard form.

Write in standard form


Multiplying by corresponds to rotating

Complex -th Roots Theorem (CNRT)

Root Examples

Solve Let in polar form.

In polar form, Equating gives that

Since and , we get .

Also where .

We get

Roots of Unity


Square Roots and the Quadratic Formula


Quadratic Formula

For all , the solutions to are,




All non-zero numbers have a multiplicative inverse. iff or

when is prime.

Arithmetic of Polynomials


No negative exponents, no fractional exponents.

when .


is indeterminate.

  • complex polynomial (not real)
  • degree is
  • cubic polynomial
  • in
  • means corresponding coefficients are equal
  • polynomial equation (if there was an equal sign). Solution to that is a root.

Degree of a Product


Division Algorithm for Polynomials

If , then such that where is the 0 polynomial or

If is 0,

Polynomial Arithmetic

Let and . Compute .

Find the and where

Yields and


Exercise 3


BWOC suppose in .

Then by DP we have

for some and .

If they are equal, coefficients must be the same.

Comparing coefficients:

Second and third above

Roots of Complex Polynomials and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra


Remainder Theorem (RT)

For all fields , all polynomials , and all , the remainder polynomial when is divided by is the constant polynomial .


Let where is a field. Let .


for unique where is the zero polynomial or .

Regardless, for some .



Finding roots corresponds to finding linear factors.


Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA)

Every complex polynomial of complex degrees has a root.

Complex Polynomials of Degree Have Roots (CPN) Proof Discovery

Induction on degrees.

Base Case

If has degree

By FTA, has a root. Name it .



The multiplicity of root of a polynomial is the largest possible integer such that is a factor of .

Reducible and Irreducible Polynomial

Polynomial in of positive degree is a reducible polynomial in when it can be written as the product of 2 polynomials of positive degree.

Otherwise we say that the polynomial is irreducible in .

is irreducible in

BWOC suppose is the product of where . Then compare coefficients.

Prove that has no roots in but is reducible.

Prove factors don’t have roots to prove no roots (lots of ways to show no roots)

Write as a product of irreducible factors in

Write as a product of irreducible factors

Factor as a product of linear factors.

Hint is a root

The roots of this quotient are where by QF.

Let where


So the roots are .

That is


Roots are

Hence the final answer is

Write as a product of irreducible polynomials given that is a root.

Real Polynomials and Conjugate Roots Theorem

, if and , then . Depends on the fields.

By CJRT, is also a root. Thus, is a factor.

This quadratic factor equals,

Now we use long division to yield,

By QF, the roots of are





Real Quadratic Factors

If for some with , real quadratic irreducible polynomial and real polynomial such that


Real Factors of Real Polynomials

Every non-constant with real coefficients can be written as a product of real linear and quadratic factors.

Proof of CJRT

Let . Where .

Let and assume

Now we get,